Faculty Open Position(s)

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1. Affiliation (Appointment): Academy of Hiroshima University (Research Institute for Nanodevice and Bio Systems), Japan

2. Position(s) and the number of opening(s): Professor, one (1), Tenure position

3. Commencing date of employment: As soon as possible after May 1, 2019.

4. Field of specialization: ---- Electronics, especially Electronic devices, Optical devices, Device/process technologies

5. Teaching responsibilities
- Undergraduate level: Classes and supervising of graduation thesis for Cluster 2 (Electrical, Electronic, and Systems Engineering) in School of Engineering
Specific classes are as follows:
  Introductory Seminar for First-Year Students
  Technical English
  Semiconductor Process Engineering
  Graduation Thesis
- Graduate level (master’s and doctoral programs): Classes and supervising of master and doctor thesis for Department of Semiconductor Electronics and Integration Science, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter (AdSM)
Specific classes are as follows:
  Special Lecture on Advanced Sciences of Matter
  LSI Devices and Process Engineering
  Optoelectronic Systems
  Seminar on Integrated Circuits and Process Engineering
  Advanced Study in Semiconductor Electronics and Integration Science I
  Advanced Study in Semiconductor Electronics and Integration Science II
* In addition to the courses listed above, he or she may be asked to teach other general education courses and/or discipline specific courses in other department(s) and graduate school(s).

6. Qualifications
Applicants must satisfy all of the following requirements:
(1) Hold a doctorate or an equivalent degree by the time the appointment begins
(2) Be able to supervise doctoral students in preparation of doctoral dissertations
(3) Be able to teach classes and supervise students in English
The adopted person is expected to promote the projects of Research Center for Biomedical Engineering and Nanotechnology Platform (see below Web site).
http://www.tmd.ac.jp/ibbc/  and  http://www.nanonet.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/

7. Application materials required
(1) Curriculum Vitae (including recent portrait, current e-mail address, affiliated academic societies and activities in those societies. Official title of academic degrees i.e. bachelor, master and doctor should be given. Precise dates should be listed in the field of academic background and employment record.).
*If you have a history of being employed by Hiroshima University (as a TA, RA, researcher, etc.) in the past five years, be sure to state all positions you have held.
(2) A list of academic achievements (Achievements should be listed in reverse chronological order and categorized as thesis, books, original papers, reviews, reports and others, with additional information if applicable (with/without peer-review, journal impact factors (the Thomson Reuters, latest version)).
Please mark 5 MAJOR PUBLISHED works that best represent your highest
achievements ).
(3) Submit pdf files of hard copies (offprints or color Xerox copies) of the 5 major published works.
(4) A list of teaching achievements (list each title and the term of the lectures including a brief description of the contents and your contributions, the number of thesis supervisions of MA and PhD students, and so on).
(5) A list of achievements of social contributions.
(6) Major activities in university/institutional management and administration.
(7) List of acquired external funding over the last five years
(8) Statement of intent (Please describe your interests in teaching and research in approximately 1,000 words, should you take this position.)
(9)  A list of two references with their names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses (We may contact them directly at the first screening of the applicants if necessary).
*All these documents must be written in English or Japanese.

8. Application deadline: All application materials must reach us by [5:00 pm on Day of week, November 27, 2018 (Japan time)].

9. Make all the application documents PDF files, and send them to the following E-mail address as the attached files:
Academic support Group, Department of Academic Affairs, The Academic Research Office, Hiroshima University
* The subject and attachment file name of the E-mail shall be the sum of the applicant's name and surname in parentheses after the word of "RNBS2018" (for example, in the case of Taro Yamada, it will be RNBS2018 (Yamada_T)).
If the capacity exceeds 10 MB, send mail separately. At that time, make sure that the number of divisions of the application documents such as 1/2, 2/2, etc. is known at the end of the subject of the E-mail. Also, do not use compression software.
Please note that we will reply to you by E-mail of acceptance notice.

10. Selection procedure
(1) Selection will be made based on all application documents submitted.
(2) Interviews will be conducted as needed. The interview may include a class simulation. As a general rule, we will conduct simulated lessons in English. In such cases, please note that travel expenses will be the responsibility of the applicant. Applicants who pass the initial document review will be informed of interview date, time and format.
(3) Hiroshima University promotes a gender-equal society in accordance with the legislative intent of the Basic Law for a Gender-Equal Society.

11. Employment status
(1) If you are agreeable to the application of the Discretionary Labor System for Professional Work, you are deemed to work for 7 hours and 45 minutes a day and 38 hours and 45 minutes a week. If not, working hours are from 8:30 to 17:00 (from Monday to Friday) and break time is from 12:00 to 12:45.
(2) Workdays are from Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) in principle.
(3) Holidays are Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays in principle.

12. Salary, etc.
(1) The monthly salary system will be applied to successful candidates.
(Regulations Concerning Salaries of Hiroshima University Faculty Members will be applied.)

(2) Successful candidates may be reimbursed for travel expenses incurred for the trip from their home or former place of work to the new place of work to assume their post in accordance with the relevant regulations of Hiroshima University. For more information, please contact us.

13. Evaluation
We conduct individual performance evaluations for all Hiroshima University faculty members after their employment, numerically rate their performance, and salary and benefits are commensurate with performance indicators.

14. Employer: Hiroshima University

15. Miscellaneous
(1)  Probationary employment period: six (6) months
(Hiroshima University Work Regulations for Employees.)

(2) Personal information obtained from application documents will not be used other than its intended purposes such as the selection and human resource management in Hiroshima University. The personal information will not be provided to any third party. Application documents of applicants who have not been short-listed will be discarded in an appropriate manner after the completion of the selection process.
(3) All the faculty members of Hiroshima University belong to the "Academy", which is the single university-wide faculty organization, and each faculty as a member of the Academy of the University is appointed to educational and/or research organizations such as an individual undergraduate school, graduate school, research center and institute.

16. Contact
      Specific information:
      Prof. Shin Yokoyama
      Research Institute for Nanodevice and Bio Systems, Hiroshima University
      E-mail. yokoyama-shin@hiroshima-u.ac.jp
      Tel. +81-82-424-6265

      General information and procedure about this job opening:
      Academic support Group, Department of Academic Affairs, The Academic Research Office, Hiroshima University
      E-mail. gakujut-ssoumu@office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp